The information below has been provided by members and outside sources.
Members are encouraged to share funding information so we can include it here.
Non-profit Funding Sources
National Public Safety Drone Donation Program
Law Enforcement Grants Law Enforcement Grants
Public Works Grants
DRONE INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT ACT - The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) commended Representatives Greg Stanton (D-AZ) and Garret Graves (R-LA) for introducing the Drone Infrastructure Inspection Grant (DIIG) Act, H.R.5315. This bill would establish a drone infrastructure inspection grant program and a drone education and training grant program at the U.S. Department of Transportation. “Drone technology has the potential to save lives and help preserve essential infrastructure," said Greg Pecoraro, NASAO President and CEO. "This bill would provide much-needed funding for drone infrastructure inspection equipment and education and training at the state and local levels. This will not only help states aviation agencies acquire drone technology to safely inspect critical infrastructure, but also bolster the workforce needed to manage it, and improve public safety. State aviation leaders appreciate the leadership of Representatives Greg Stanton and Garret Graves in introducing this legislation."
Keep an eye on this legislation!
Keep an eye on this legislation!
Disclaimer: All information provided herein is solely for educational and informational purposes. Its inclusion on this website does not constitute an endorsement or assurance as to accuracy or timeliness. It is not legal advice. UAV laws and guidance change rapidly. If you are preparing policies or documents for your agency or department, we suggest you consult with an attorney familiar with municipal and aviation law as well as other law that may be applicable to the particular policy or document such as privacy or cybersecurity.