What's on this page?
- Videos demonstrating drone use
- Videos demonstrating drone streaming platforms
- Videos about starting a drone program
- Guidance documents for starting a program - read this before you purchase a drone!
- FAA Guidance on Pilot Record Database (applicable only to COA programs)
Videos demonstrating why drones are an indispensable tool for public safety.
This link is to an EXCELLENT video from DRONERESPONDERS that shows how useful drones are for all aspects of public safety operations. It may be very helpful in helping win support for UAV programs from municipal administrations and the public.
Starting a Drone Program
How do streaming programs work and what options are there?
(These are just three, there are others)
DroneSense |
AirData UAVClick on the title to get to the video link.
SkyeBrowse |
Guidance Documents for Starting a program
Mantel, Lisa. 2020. Roadmap to Implementing an Effective UAS Program. Washington, DC: Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. https://www.policeforum.org/assets/UASRoadmap.pdf
Although this is for law enforcement, it includes information useful for any drone program.
Although this is particular to launching a fire department program, it includes information useful for any drone program
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice Report: Considerations and Recommendations for Implementing an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Program - December 2016
Pilot Records Database Information (applicable to COA operators)
faa_-_info_on_the_pilot_reporting_database.pdf |
See also links to the PRD Advisory Circular and FAA guidance under the Resources / Useful Links Tab.
Disclaimer: All information provided herein is solely for educational and informational purposes. Its inclusion on this website does not constitute an endorsement or assurance as to accuracy or timeliness. It is not legal advice. UAV laws and guidance change rapidly. If you are preparing policies or documents for your agency or department, we suggest you consult with an attorney familiar with municipal and aviation law as well as other law that may be applicable to the particular policy or document such as privacy or cybersecurity.