Waiver Applications and Guidance
First Jurisdictional Waiver approved with a custom public safety facility grid map
public_safety_airspace_grid_waiver.pdf |
Tactical BVLOS Waiver - available only to departments with COAs
NEW! Tactical BVLOS (Obstruction Sheilded) Waiver for Part 107
This waiver is similar to the TBVLOS waiver but allows true BVLOS flights for Part 107 remote pilots. It requires flight within 50 ft of the highest obstacle (natural or manmade) for as far as the system can reliably operate. This allows public safety Part 107 and commercial Part 107 remote pilots to utilize this waiver. A one time application for this is through the FAA Drone Zone - https://faadronezone-access.faa.gov/#/
What does the FAA consider when acting on an authorization or waiver requests?
Check out their thinking process as described in Order JO 7200.23C. Be sure to look this over before submitting an authorization or waiver request.
how_waivers_are_processed_faa_order_jo_7200.23c.pdf |
Special Governmental Interest (SGI) Waivers - a/k/a eCOAs (SOSC - 202-267-8276)
Here is an FAA powerpoint about SGI waivers. Also be sure to see the DRONERESPONDERS webinar from March 10, 2021
sgi_waiver_powerpoint.pdf |
Disclaimer: All information provided herein is solely for educational and informational purposes. Its inclusion on this website does not constitute an endorsement or assurance as to accuracy or timeliness. It is not legal advice. UAV laws and guidance change rapidly. If you are preparing policies or documents for your agency or department, we suggest you consult with an attorney familiar with municipal and aviation law as well as other law that may be applicable to the particular policy or document such as privacy or cybersecurity.